Tag: Demyan Om

Nuclear Anxiety in a Poem

Nuclear Anxiety in a Poem

Ukraine is a multicultural nation. In this sense, it has never been a monolithic one, and any attempts to accuse it of being nationalistic just make no sense.

Our Daily Bread

Our Daily Bread

In Western Ukraine, we are Greek Catholics, and we are very religious. Every Sunday, every church in Lviv, Ternopil, Ivano-Frankivsk, and Volyn regions is packed with believers for a morning mass.

Don’t get me wrong

For people to trust you — you have to speak the same language with them. For people to trust you — you have to tell about your emotions, but not to be an “overly emotional interlocutor”, you have to meet the expectations of being a victim.

The Echo of the War at the End of the World

Half of my life ago, in 2004 to be more precise, I stayed for one year in the USA as an exchange student. It was quite an experience for a 16-year-old Ukrainian girl who grew up on American movies and TV series on the high school teen life. So I actually felt like being in one of those shows.

The Lakshmi Puja Question

“So, everything is destroyed there, in Ukraine? Is there anything functioning?” — he asked. Normally, I would respond differently, but, bearing in mind the visual representation of the war on Indian TV, I took a slower and a more determined approach.

Let it be the text about other things than war

He’s got black overworked hands: the machine oil burnt into his skin, and hardened under the nails. People with such hands are usually hard-working and plodding. The type of work is a different question.

Country as a Baby

Your country is your baby. You’ll never, ever leave it. You won’t abandon it for a minute.